报 告 人:刘康志,日本千叶大学教授
报告主题:Fundamentals of Robust Control Theory
内容简介:Most of control systems are designed based on model. So, the validity of system model is of a vital importance for the quality of designed system. However, it is impossible to obtain a precise model which reflects all characters of the system in industrial reality. That is, any model inevitably contains some uncertainty. The robust control theory is developed to deal with the model uncertainty and aims at providing an effective design tool for practical and high performance control systems. After thirty years endeavor by many researchers over the world, the robust control theory has become mature and found numerous applications in industry. This lecture focuses on the fundamentals of robust control theory and consists of four parts.
报告题目:Fundamentals of Robust Control Theory (1): Backgrounds and Basic Tools
Engineering background and major methodologies
Illustrate the background through examples and show the fundamental idea of robust control
Basics of linear algebra
Briefly review the linear algebra, in particular the fundamentals of function space
报告题目:Fundamentals of Robust Control Theory (2): Uncertainty Models
Major uncertainty models
Discuss how to make use of the features of uncertainty in robust control
Parametrization of stabilizing controllers
Describe all stabilizing controllers by a simple formula with free parameter
报告题目:Fundamentals of Robust Control Theory (3): Tools for robust analysis and design
Relation between time domain and frequency domain properties
Bridge the signal/system in both domains, fundamental for design
Basics of linear matrix inequality
A useful tool for numerical system design
报告题目:Fundamentals of Robust Control Theory (4): Typical Methods of robust analysis
Robust analysis 1: Small gain principle
Robustness conditions for systems with gain-bounded uncertainty
报告人简介:刘康志教授,1984年毕业于西北工业大学航空自动控制系,1988年,1991年分别获得日本千叶大学电子电气工程专业硕士和博士学位。其后就职于千叶大学工学部,现为电气电子工程系教授。其间曾于2001年在美国Louisiana State University任教1年。刘教授的主要工作领域是控制理论及其工业应用,尤其是鲁棒控制和非线性控制方向的研究。在这个领域,他已单独以及共同出版了6本著作(分别使用日文,中文和英文)。并由于在这个领域做出的学术贡献,获得日本计测自动控制学会学术奖励奖1次,优秀论文奖3次。刘教授近期致力于智能电网的研究,以及电气驱动技术的研究。刘教授历任日本计测自动控制学会会刊,论文集编辑委员会控制小组的负责人,CCC-SICE Joint Conference 2015大会程序委员会日方主席,以及两家国际学术杂志副主编。并被选为2017年度计测自动控制学会理事,2018年度常务理事,2017-2018年度SICE 年会委员会委员长,2019-2020年度代议员。2014年起任中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会委员。