

人:岩崎誠 教授,日本名古屋工业大学,IEEE Fellow

                   Makoto Iwasaki, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

报告主题:Practical Motion Control for Mechatronic Systems: from Basis Beyond

                     Industrial Applications


报告时间:0923日(星期四)08:00 – 09:35, ID880 371 656


1Back Ground of Motion Control and Mechatronic Systems

2Motion Control Applications in Industry

3Collaborative Research Programs with Industry


报告时间:0927日(星期一)16:35 – 18:10, ID221 769 150

 1011日(星期一)16:05 – 17:40, ID480 277 257

 1014日(星期四)08:00 – 09:35, ID473 932 388

主要内容:Motion Control Design

1System Modeling: from Basic Skill to Vibration Systems, Modal Analysis, and Structural Design

2Motion Controller Design for Vibration Systems: Basic Feedback Controller, Notch Filter, Phase-Stabilization, 2-Degree-Of-Freedom Controller, and Feedforward Controller


报告时间:1021日(星期四)08:00 – 09:35, ID561 790 286

                      1104日(星期四)19:00 – 20:35, ID135 725 458

主要内容:Robust Controller Design

1Introduction for Robust Controller Design

2Basis of H_infty Control: Disturbance Suppression, Robust Stability, and Mixed Sensitivity Problem

3Example Study of H_infty Controller Design

4Practical Robust Control: Application of Disturbance Observer System Modeling: from Basic Skill to Vibration Systems, Modal Analysis, and Structural Design


报告时间:1111日(星期四)19:00 – 20:35, ID834 362 073

                      1118日(星期四)19:00 – 20:35, ID358 192 039

主要内容:Advanced Topics: Friction Modeling and Compensation

1Motion Performance Deterioration Issues due to Friction

2Feedforward Compensation in 2DOF Controller: from PTP to CP Control

3Friction Modeling: Rolling Friction Model with Nonlinear Stiffness and Hysteresis Property

4Friction Compensation in Fast and Precise Positioning: Application of Disturbance Observer with Initial Value to Improve Dynamic Motion and Settling Performance


报告时间:1125日(星期四)19:00 – 20:35, ID854 174 684

                     1202日(星期四)19:00 – 20:35, ID235 888 737

主要内容:Advanced Topics: Precision Motion Control for Positioning Devices with Strain Wave Gearing

1Issues of Positioning Control in Applications to Industrial Robots

2Critical Characteristics of SWG: Angular Transmission Errors

3Precise Modeling of SWG with Nonlinear Properties

4Fast and Precise Positioning: Performance Improvements of Static Settling and Mechanical Vibration Suppression


报告时间:1209日(星期四)19:00 – 20:35, ID619 246 257

                      1216日(星期四)16:05 – 17:40, ID865 228 989

主要内容:Advanced Topics: Applications of Optimization Algorithms to Motion Controller Design

1Auto-Tuning of Motion Controller by Genetic Algorithms: Free Parameters for Mathematical Models and Compensators

2Applications of Learning and Heuristic Approaches to Motion Controller Design

3Applications of LMI-Based Design to Command Shaping in Motion Control

4Coordinate Design Between FF/FB for Fast and Precise Positioning


报告人简介:岩崎誠教授分别于 1986 年、1988 年和 1991 年在日本名古屋工业大学获得电气和计算机工程专业的学士、硕士和工程博士学位。自1991年起就职于名古屋工业大学计算机科学与工程系,现任机电工程系教授。作为IEEE的专业贡献,2010年至2019年任IES AdCom成员,2010年至2014年任IEEE/ASME TMech技术编辑,2014年起任IEEE TIE副主编,IEEE管理委员会成员/ASME TMech2016 年担任秘书,2017 年担任财务主管),自 2016 年起担任 IEEE TIE 的联合主编,2018 年至 2021 年期间分别担任规划和发展副总裁。他因“对运动控制器设计中的快速和精确定位的贡献”而获得 2015 IEEE 院士。曾获得2013IEE日本Trans最佳论文奖、2011Fanuc FA机器人基金会最佳论文奖、2017IEE日本技术开发奖、2017年长森奖、市村工业优秀奖分别获得2018年市村财团新技术成果奖、2018年日本精密工程学会技术奖、2019年日本文部大臣科学技术嘉奖。他目前的研究兴趣是通过与行业的各种合作研究活动,将控制理论应用于线性/非线性建模和精确定位。